What is ActorWatch™?

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Have you ever missed a show by your favorite playwright because you didn't hear about it until it was too late?   Have  you ever learned of a friend's appearance in a show only after it closed?  If so, do we have a deal for you!

ActorWatch, the latest feature of NJTheater.com, give you an weekly email update of what's on stage, customized to your interests.

Just click on the ActorWatch button on a person's bio page, and whenever that person appears in a show, works backstage at a show, or has written a show, you will be emailed a few days before opening night.  You'll get a maximum of three emails each week, one for actors, one for playwrights, and one for stage crew.


From: ActorWatch [[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 11:09 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Someone you're looking for is on stage this week
Judd Hirsch plays "Nat" in "I'm Not Rappaport"
at Paper Mill Playhouse (Millburn) from 02/20/2002 to 03/24/2002
For more information, click here:

If you wish to stop being remind about this person, click here:


Susan Clark plays "Sara Goode" in "The Sisters Rosensweig"
at George Street Playhouse (New Brunswick) from 02/12/2002 to 03/10/2002

For more information, click here:

If you wish to stop being remind about this person, click here:


About this e-mail: ActorWatch reminders are never sent unsolicited.

You are receiving this because you requested it be sent. If you no longer
wish to receive these reminders, simply click the links above.

ActorWatch(tm) is a free service of NJTheater.com. Information about the 
shows is provided by the individual theatre companies, and depends on them
to provide NJTheater.com cast lists

    To use ActorWatch, you must be registered with NJTheater.com and logged in.   Once you are registered, you may also post messages on your forums, and take advantage of other forthcoming features of NJTheater.com

Note: Information about the  shows is provided by the individual theatre companies, and depends on them to provide NJTheater.com cast lists

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“My reason for being here isn't money. Acting has been my lover and my best friend and my confidant. There hasn't been a moment in my life when I haven't completely and utterly adored it.”
--Sally Field

This service is for informational purposes only. For tickets, contact the individual theaters.
NJTheater.Com does not sell or reserve tickets to these shows.

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