“Apricot Sky Charity Show To Fight Hunger”
Apricot Sky Productions Presents:
A special charity benefit to fight hunger! 2 nights only! A portion of the proceeds will go to the Montclair Food Pantry.
October 25 and 26 at the Grove Street Theatre, 130 Grove Street, Montclair, NJ 07042
Featuring the works of: Frank Briamonte, Robert Scott Sullivan, Henry Meyerson,
Steven Williams, Phoebe Farber and Eric Alter
Directed by: Arnold Buchiane, Tom Blewitt, Jessica Foerst, Jessica Phelan and Bob Lowy
Starring: Brian Carroll, Dickson Lane, Wendy Schibener, Julie Anne Nolan, Christine Palamara, Essence Morgan, John Fraissinet, Nancy Lee Ryan, Jeff Foote, Dale Monroe,
Gary Sugai, Peter Curley, Vikki Massulli, Kay Koch, Sky Spiegel, Celeste Fasone and Claire Bochenek
Performing at: The Grove Street Theatre
130 Grove Street, Montclair, NJ 07042
Oct 25 and 26 at 8:00pm
Admission is FREE ($10.00 donation suggested)
For more information please visit: www.apricotskyproductions.com
A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit The Montclair Food Pantry
A portion of the proceeds will go to the Montclair Food Pantry