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Chris Furlong
Advanced Member

366 Posts

Posted - 10 Apr 2009 :  2:22:22 PM  Show Profile  Visit Chris Furlong's Homepage  Reply with Quote

The Chatham Community Players (CCP) will present Neil Simon's CALIFORNIA SUITE. The laughs are abundant in this play by one of the masters of American comedy. The story surrounds four couples from London, Philadelphia, Chicago and New York who separately inhabit a Beverly Hills hotel suite, bringing along their problems, anxieties, and comical marital dilemmas.

Performance dates are May 1, 2, 8, 9, 15 and 16 at 8PM and May 10 at 3PM. All performances are at the Chatham Playhouse, 23 North Passaic Avenue, in Chatham. Tickets are $20 for adults and $18 for youth/senior.

The cast includes: Sam Rosalsky of Berkley Heights as Marvin, Larry Shagawat of Clifton as Billy, Patrick Field of Manhattan as Sidney, Jeremy Anekstein of New Providence as Mort, Parker Godwin of Chatham as Stu, Alex Ionescu of Morristown as Bunny, Liz Royce of Montclair as Gert, Kathie Kneese of Chatham as Beth, Carla Kendall of Wayne as Diana, Tracey Fama of Hillsborough as Hannah and Joyce Slous of Montclair as Millie.

Jennifer Sherron Stock directs the play. A regular director for the Ridgewood Gilbert and Sullivan Opera Company, she recently directed her sixth show for them, RUDDIGORE. With a rich and diverse background in theatre, she has directed at Fordham, Trenton State College and the University of Pennsylvania to names a few. Favorite shows include: NOISES OFF, RUN FOR YOUR WIFE TWELFTH NIGHT and COMEDY OF ERRORS. Jennifer makes her home in New York City where she teaches in the Theatre and Speech Departments at both City College and John Jay College. She is a member of the Society of Stage Directors and Choreographers (SSDC), and Actors Equity Association (AEA).

Box Office Information � Online Ticketing

To access the theater�s online ticketing service, simply go to www.chathamplayers.org/tickets.htm and click on the �TicketLeap� logo. The service is available 24 hours a day, and tickets can be purchased online up until three hours prior to curtain on the day of a performance.

The box office will begin accepting phone reservations on April 21 at (973) 635-7363. For information regarding box office hours, please call the box office number listed above.

Edited by - Chris Furlong on 28 Apr 2009 08:12:15 AM
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