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 Throughly Modern Millie Desks available

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
trianglecircleplayers Posted - 22 May 2015 : 1:43:47 PM
Villagers Theatre has a production of Thoroughly Modern Millie opening on June 5 2015 and closing June 21st 2015.

We obtained 10 Thoroughly Modern Millie Stenographer Desks from Newton NJ High School, and used them for our production.

We would like to pass these desks on to another theatre who needs Thoroughly Modern Millie Desks for their own production. Why rent desks when you can get them for free from Villagers!?

You should be able to get to Villagers Theatre in the central New Jersey area, the evening of Sunday June 21st after 4pm, and bring a truck to pick them up.

When we picked them up, we had one desk on the rollers and another turned upside down and sitting opposite, on top of the first desk.

The desks are about 3'5" X 2' X 34" tall.

If you are interested, see: http://www.villagerstheatre.com/about/thoroughly-modern-millie-stenographer-desks-for-rent/

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