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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Miss Brodie Posted - 09 May 2006 : 1:31:12 PM
So, I finally found the program for the play I saw 20 years ago with Frances Sternhagen that I've been trying to remember. It was at the Manhattan Punch Line, which no longer exists. The play is THE PREVALENCE OF MRS. SEAL, a comedy by Otis Bigelow. David Neal, the darling, picked up the script for me when he was at the Drama Book Shop last week.

Anyway, I'm still reading it. It has a lot of spooky, otherworldly elements that might make it a good answer to the "what show can we do for Halloween?" question.

"Acting is the oldest profession, no matter what claims are made by the other trade." - Charlton Heston

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