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 Theatre for Young Audiences Series

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DJC24 Posted - 25 May 2004 : 3:12:57 PM
If anyone knows of or is part of a theatre company who is looking for a series of shows for young audiences, please let me know. I see that a lot of theatres have theatre with childrens shows (show where kids are the performers). I am offering a pre-packaged series of musicals for children (where adults are the performers), running from July thru May of 2005. By no means would you have to buy the entire series, it would be on a show by show basis. I am in the process of booking for the upcoming year. It is possible for these shows to come in and perform while you are running another show. They are available any day of the week, night or day performances and are also available to perform for school audiences. If anyone is interested in more info, please do not hesitate to contact me.

David J. Cruse
Coastal Artists, Inc.

"Hold on tightly... Let go lightly." - Peter Brook

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