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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Miss Brodie Posted - 17 Aug 2004 : 10:42:50 AM
Stefanie Petersen suggested this play by Dorothy Parker.

The summer is rapidly coming to a close, and I have fallen behind on my play reading. Jon Heron thinks I should be spending my time learning lines for THE LARAMIE PROJECT.

I hope this short course of suggested plays, and I think we have a fairly diverse selection, will inspire some of you to do more exploring of the world's wealth of dramatic literature.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Miss Brodie Posted - 16 Nov 2006 : 12:46:32 PM
So, yeah, it's only 2 years later...

Stefanie, what is your opinion of this play, for posterity?

"Acting is the oldest profession, no matter what claims are made by the other trade." - Charlton Heston
Wednesday Posted - 23 Aug 2004 : 1:43:51 PM
I am getting my copy of this script today -- I am SMing a celebrity benefit of this show in Nov.

So I will definitely be posting my thoughts on this one -- plus I am such a fan of Dorothy Parker anyway.

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