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 ESTA Festival 2005 Day 3

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
James Posted - 17 Apr 2005 : 11:50:50 PM
Sunday was the Closing Brunch and Awards ceremony. Here are the winners:

Merit Awards (sort of like "Honorable mention")

Ensemble Acting: Liz Keifer & Cat Guthrie, Going to the Chapel, NY
Ensemble Acting: Edd Miller, Duncan Hood, Dianne Hood, Nick Beschen, Susan Struve, Between Mouthfuls, MD
Individual acting: Judith A. David The Art of Self-Defense, DE
Individual acting: Ruth K. Brown The Art of Self-Defense, DE
Direction: Edd Miller, Between Mouthfuls, MD
Outstanding Achievement (aka, the top prizes)

Set Design: Between Mouthfuls, MD
Production Design: February 14th, PE
Stage Manager's Award (tie) Between Mouthfuls, MD & Going to the Chapel, NY
Props: Xphiles Unrequied MD
Costumes: Xphiles Unrequied MD
Original Script: Bob Bartlett, Xphiles Unrequied MD
Direction-Bob Bartlett, Xphiles Unrequied MD
Lead Actor-Robert Heinly & Adam Barndoa, Xphiles Unrequied MD
Lead Actress- Emily Grace Murray, Proof, NJ

2nd Place: Proof, Triple Threat Foundation for the Arts, NJ
1st Place, Xphiles Unrequied, Hard Bargin Player, MD

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Miss Brodie Posted - 18 Apr 2005 : 10:01:44 AM

Thanks very much for sharing your experiences at the ESTA Festival. It's almost as good as being there.

And congratulations to the Triple Threat folks on their 2nd place award. I have to get down there sometime to see one of their shows.

"Better a short role than a long loaf." - Anonymous

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