In an East Coast City, the stories of 8 friends unfold as brother and sister, Nick and Laura along with their friend, Jackie endure hardships at home as The Vietnam War has taken a toll on their family life. Lucia, an Italian exchange student, explains why she must return to Italy, leaving her boyfriend Dan behind. Nick's girlfriend, Raena, has unexplainably left town, leaving Nick wondering what went wrong. Farah, a local coffee shop owner, seems to have everything together but a troubled past that she's been hiding is sure to surface. Charlie, is angered at the way Laura's boyfriends have been treating her and searches for a way to tell her how he really feels about her, despite the problems that could arise with his best friend, her brother, Nick.
Set to original rock music that is acoustic driven, and somewhat in the style of Matchbox 20, Dave Matthews, and The Goo Goo Dolls.
John.... | Charles Ott |
Charlie.... | Tino DeAlmedia |
Dan.... | Eric Harper |
Farah.... | Kristen Utt |
Jackie.... | Michelle Mulvihill |
Laura.... | Lisa Van Doren |
Lucia.... | Nicole Krai Reddy |
Nick.... | Jim Reddy |
Raena.... | Jeannette Marrero |
Uncle Rocco.... | James Lopez |
Dancer.... | Jeremy Bohmstein |
Dancer.... | Kelly Nolan |
Directed by | Trent Van Doren |
Choreography by | Q |
Produced by | Mark Ilardi |
Produced by | Jim Reddy |
Lighting Design by | Kenneth Guell |
Stage Managed by | Tracy Staley |
Musical Direction by | Nick DeFilippo |
Set Designed by | Kenneth Guell |