This musical explores the history of presidential assassination in America, from John Wilkes Booth to John Hinckley, Jr. Assassins climaxes in a surreal sequence where the assassins convince Lee Harvey Oswald that his act is the only way he will connect -- with them, with history, and with the world.
Balladeer / Lee Harvey Oswald.... | Steven Leshchanka |
Billy / Ensemble.... | Brendan Mccunney |
Charles Guiteau.... | Mike Levine |
Emma Goldman / Ensemble.... | Jessica Musolino |
Giuseppe Zangara.... | Josh Levin |
Herold / Ensemble.... | Peter Lo Ricco |
Housewife / Ensemble.... | Alicia Cordero |
Housewife / Ensemble (Understudy).... | Amanda Majewski |
John Hinckley.... | Jeff Seeselberg |
John Wilkes Booth.... | Kris Longwell |
Leon Czolgosz.... | Alex Ashtrafi |
Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme.... | Katie Hilosky |
President Ford / Ensemble.... | Chris Mattice |
President Garfield / Ensemble.... | Gabe Lauracuente |
Proprietor.... | Christopher J. Guell |
Samuel Byck.... | Aaron Ratzan |
Sara Jane Moore.... | Teresa Von Der Steinen |
Directed by | Christopher J. Guell |
Choreography by | Jessica Pfeiffer |
Produced by | Eric Walby |
Scenic Design by | Brianna L. Guell |
Costume Design by | Karen Resto |
Lighting Design by | Kenneth Guell |
Lighting Design by | Bill O'Donnell |
Stage Managed by | Stephanie Asprocolas |
Musical Direction by | Rory Chalcraft |
Sound Operation by | Michael Katz |