This suspenseful thriller centers on Susy Hendrix, a young blind housewife who unwittingly becomes embroiled in the machinations of a crew of drug traffickers, after her husband brings home a doll that may hold contraband. What follows is an excruciatingly suspenseful battle of wits between the blind woman and her sadistic tormentors.
Gloria.... | Julia Karlin |
Harry Roat.... | Keith Beechey |
Mike Talman.... | Anthony Rubolotta |
Patrolman #1.... | Terry Holusha |
Patrolman #2.... | Isaac Stackell |
Sam Hendrix.... | Peter Curley |
Sgt. Carlino.... | Stan Amditis |
Susy Hendrix.... | Syndi Szabo |
Directed by | Mark Liebert |
Lighting Design by | Leslie Potashner |
Sound Design by | Claudia Kalinowski |
Stage Managed by | Judi Liebert |
Assistant Stage Managed by | Lydia Bashwiner |
Set Designed by | Mark Liebert |