Young Oliver is an orphan who escapes the cheerless life of the workhouse and takes to the streets of 19th-Century London. He's immediately taken in by a band of street urchins, headed by the villain, Fagin, and his loyal apprentice, The Artful Dodger. Through his education in the fine points of pick-pocketing, Oliver steals away with an unexpected treasure...a home and a family of his own.
Directed by | Jennifer Sherron Stock |
Choreography by | Andrea Andresakis |
Costume Design by | Fred Sorrentino |
Lighting Design by | Jody Ratti |
Production Stage Managed by | Anne Bertasso |
Musical Direction by | Ralph Zeitlin |
Set Designed by | Fred Sorrentino |
Light Operation by | Mike Monti |
Sound Operation by | John Bohman |
Special Effects by | Mike Monti |
Ticket Prices: $12 adults $10 children $10 students with ID $10 seniors Group rates available upon request