Jim Donovan Biography

Jim Donovan
Jim Donovan

Jim Donovan (A.E.A.) has acted locally, Off-Broadway and in regional theaters throughout the country. He most recently made an Equity Special Appearance in the title role of Barnum. He was happy to be able to contribute to his immediate community by doing that role at the Duncan Smith Theater in Holmdel, NJ, where he presently resides. Prior to that, Jim served as a faculty Guest Artist at Monmouth University, appearing as Galileo in Brecht’s Galileo and Elwood P. Dowd in Harvey. In addition to playing numerous roles in classical and contemporary plays, Jim has directed several dramatic and musical productions. He holds an M.F.A. in Acting from the University of California at Irvine where he has taught acting and theatre courses there, as well as at Monmouth University.

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Recent Performances
Production/Role WhereOpening Night
The Shadow of a Gunman ......Auxilliary Celtic Theatre Company 11/12/1999
Recent Production Credits
Production/Credit WhereOpening Night
A Midsummer Night's Dream ...... Directed Holmdel Theatre Company 6/28/2002
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